



A stickman is defined as a set of points, a set of lines between certain points, and other simple shapes (like a circle for a head).

It looks to me like the easiest route in AS3 is to use a Shape/Sprite's Graphics property to draw these lines, clearing and re-drawing each time the stickman changes. But some of the newer Flash 10 stuff seems to suggest a closer functionality to 3D graphics where you can define points and lines/triangles and then move the points rather than recreating all from scratch each render. Is this the case?


Yes , you should look at inverse kinematics

Nice, but not quite what I want. I don't want a solution for the physics part, only the rendering part. I got as far as this and that's where I got lost, since my AS3 experience only goes as far as Flash 9:
Isn't it what you were asking about!? If you can move all the parts of a structure by moving a single part they're attached to , there's no need for redrawing, is there?
Are you referring to my link or yours? IK is a _much_ bigger subject than just saving me a few render calls, but some of the stuff like Graphics Data Objects look to cover this kind of thing (
was referring to my link... I'm still puzzled by your comment though :) What do you mean by "move the points rather than recreating all from scratch each render"?