



Canvas.addChild() insists any DisplayObject added implements IUIComponent. But I don't want my core graphics engine dependent on Flex. Is there an obvious/common way around this, to have simple graphical objects like Sprites & Shapes in a Flex application? The individual DisplayObject children I want to add as children represent objects in a game world, like a spaceship or a missile or a horse...

Not sure if Canvas is the most appropriate container, perhaps Group or another class is optimal for a game-engine... example MXML & AS3 code showing a skeleton setup is most welcome. I'm targeting Flex4 & Flash 10, but Flex3/Flash9 solutions are still of interest.


Instead of canvas, you can use UIComponent as it does not have the IUIComponent implementor requirement. Then addChild() your sprites to that.

That's what I'm trying to _avoid_, making all my objects `UIComponent`. Or are you suggesting something else?
Sorry, I'll clarify the answer.
OK, I see. I can have an inner container the same size as the main MXML, for instance. In Flex4 I want to use `Group` rather than canvas... but the idea is the same.