public class Main {
public static void main(String args []){
long numberOfPrimes = 0; //Initialises variable numberOfPrimes to 0 (same for all other variables)
int number = 1;
int maxLimit = 10000000;
boolean[] sieve = new boolean[maxLimit]; //creates new boolean array called sieve and allocates space on the
//stack for this array which has maxLimit spaces in it
for ( int i = 2; i < maxLimit; i++ ) { //for statement cycling from 2 to 10000000, does not execute the rest
//of the block if the boolean value in the array is true
if ( sieve[i] == true ) continue;
numberOfPrimes++; //otherwise it increments the number of prime numbers found
if ( numberOfPrimes == 10001 ) { //if 10001st prime number is found, break from loop
number = i;
for ( int j = i+i; j < maxLimit; j += i ) //do not understand the point of this loop logically
sieve[j] = true; //testing if the value in the array is true again?
System.out.println("10001st prime: "+ number);
I don't really understand what is going on in this program and was hoping somebody could explain it to me? I have commented the specific lines causing me trouble/what I understand lines to be doing. Thank you very much for all the help! :)