



Hi SO,

In algorithms, I've mostly been self-taught and that's largely been fine. However, I'm having trouble grasping graph algorithns. I'm looking for some kind of reference that has concepts and actual code so I can not only learn the theory (which I usually do ok with) but also get a feel for how graphs are represented and manipulated in practice (what I usually have a harder time grasping). Can SO deliver? Anything from books, to links, to existing projects would be great as long as they have both concept and implementation.

This is language agnostic, but I'm most familiar with python and don't have much experience with FP.

+1  A: 

Steve Yegge says this is a terrific book on algorithms that uses graphs extensively.

Amazon wish-listed.
+1  A: 

I learned a lot about graphs from the book linked below... it's one of my favorite books:

Matt Caldwell
The following site also has some really cool animations which might help you understand graph algorithms:
Matt Caldwell
I've never even looked into combinatorics so my interest is very much peaked. however, it doesn't seem to contain any code correct?
@Matt Caldwell: nice link
Mitch Wheat
jlv: That's correct, there's no code in this book. However, it's a great book for learning the mathematics behind graph structures, which can then be applied to algorithms. I wouldn't have mentioned it, but it's just such a great book; I couldn't *not* mention it. :)
Matt Caldwell
Mitch: Thanks! Glad it was helpful.
Matt Caldwell
+1  A: 

Both of these are very good:

Free Stuff:

Mitch Wheat
TADM was just mentioned (thanks again, though!) but I'll be checking out the second one for sure.

I have one book too. :) Take a look , maybe it help you -`> "Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms". This is the link where you can find it and download for free:
Aim of the book is to present recent improvements, innovative ideas and concepts in a part of a huge EA field.

Hanibal Lecter
Thanks kindly! I've already looked into GA's (which I believe are just another term for evolutionary algorithms) but I didn't see anything about graphs in there. This should be useful.