Hi I have a problem with my piece of code. I am getting assertion failed message from qt when a use this code. But the message is being generated when repainting (somewhere in bst tree) the scene so i can not find out what is wrong in my code. Maybe i am missing something? Please take a look. I am using Qt 4.6
After this function program crashes
QGisWaypoint *QGisMap::removeOptimized( QGisWaypoint *from )
QList<QGraphicsItem*> children = from->childItems();
QList<QGraphicsItem*>::Iterator it = children.begin(), end = children.end();
QGisWaypoint *child;
// remove all child item till !Optimized
while( it!=end )
child = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGisWaypoint*>( *it );
Q_ASSERT( child );
if( child->pointType() == QGisWaypoint::Optimized )
_path.erase( child );
children = from->childItems();
it = children.begin();
end = children.end();
return child;
The erease function
void QGisPath::erase( QGisWaypoint *item )
Q_ASSERT( item );
QList<QGraphicsItem *>children = item->childItems();
if( children.size() )
QGraphicsItem *parent = item->parentItem();
QGraphicsItem *child; // aktualne dziecko
for( int j=0, c_end=children.size(); j<c_end; ++j ) // check all children
child = children[j];
if( parent )
child->setPos( parent->mapFromItem( item, child->pos() ) );
child->setPos( item->mapToScene( child->pos() ) );
child->setParentItem( parent ); // new parent or child becomes a top level item if no parent
if( QGraphicsScene *s = item->scene() )
s->removeItem( item ); // item have no children so it can be removed separately
qDebug() << "Something wrong - no scene)";
int wp_pos = indexOf( item );
Q_ASSERT( wp_pos != -1 );
waypoints.removeAt( wp_pos ); // waypoints is type of QList<QGisWaypoint*>
delete item;
And this code inserts the items
QLineF line;
QLineF nex_line;
QGisWaypoint *last_wp = item;
int last_wp_pos;
int s,t;
int last_source_id = start_id;
while( q.next() )
if( q.value(0).toInt() == last_source_id )
s = 1;
t = 0;
last_source_id = q.value(t).toInt();
last_wp_pos = _path.indexOf(last_wp) + 1;
last_wp = make_waypoint( NULL ); // new + adding to scene + setting position
last_wp->setPointType( QGisWaypoint::Optimized );
line = WktToLine( q.value(2).toString() );
last_wp->setPos( s?line.p2():line.p1() );
_path.insert( last_wp_pos, last_wp );
The insert function
void QGisPath::insert( int pos, QGisWaypoint *wp )
QGraphicsItem *parent = NULL;
QList<QGraphicsItem *> children;
QGraphicsItem *child = NULL;
if( waypoints.size() ) // if path is empty simpli simply insert the item becouse it is a top level item
if( pos <= 0 ) // prepend?
children.append( waypoints.first() );
else if( pos >= waypoints.size() ) // append?
parent = waypoints.last();
else // insert
parent = waypoints[pos]->parentItem();
children = parent->childItems();
Q_ASSERT( children.size() ); // there mus be at least one child
QPointF ppos;
if( parent )
ppos = parent->mapFromItem( wp, QPointF(0.0,0.0) ); // remap position to parent
wp->setParentItem( parent );
wp->setPos( ppos );
for( int i=0, end=children.size(); i<end; ++i ) // take children from parent and give them to the 'wp'
child = children[i];
ppos = wp->mapFromItem( parent, child->pos() );
child->setParentItem( wp );
child->setPos( ppos );
waypoints.insert( pos, wp );
The program crashes in file qgraphicsscene_bsp.cpp
on function
void visit(QList<QGraphicsItem *> *items)
for (int i = 0; i < items->size(); ++i) {
QGraphicsItem *item = items->at(i);
if (onlyTopLevelItems && item->d_ptr->parent) // <-- heare is the SIGSEGV d_ptr is NULL
item = item->topLevelItem();
if (!item->d_func()->itemDiscovered && item->d_ptr->visible) {
item->d_func()->itemDiscovered = 1;
Please give me some tip becouse a have no idea what is wrong.