




Hello, I'm using xampp (just for local development) and have a number of virtual hosts configured using the standard httpd-vhosts.conf file to ease development, e.g. http://website1.localhost, http://website2.localhost

I'm now setting up subversion, however on following the instructions I find on the web, when I add the following command (after adding the relevant modules):

<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNPath c:/Users/neil/SVN/repo

subversion works, however all of my websites stop working - 'localhost' generates 'connection reset' and all my other names sites, e.g. http://website1.localhost, turn into an address prefixed with www and fail, e.g. it becomes http://www.website1.localhost

I initially had this Location in the main http.conf file, but then tried it within a virtual host section, with no effect. I also tried listening on another port (8080) and putting the location inside that, but that failed also.

I'm not too hot with apache, so any help would be appreciated.
