



I have a cron job that executes a rake task in rails. I noticed in the log that it was running the task 4 times everytime it was executed. The problem is that there are 4 instances of cron running.

I ran:

/etc/init.d/crond stop

And now there are only three.


ps -ef | grep cron

I see this:

root      1029     1  0 Oct20 ?        00:00:01 crond
root      6980  6094  0 21:33 pts/0    00:00:00 grep cron
root     15170     1  0 Oct26 ?        00:00:00 crond start
root     15186     1  0 Oct26 ?        00:00:00 crond stop

So my question is how do I stop the other instances. When I run the stop command now I get this:

Stopping crond: cannot stop crond: crond is not running. [FAILED]

Any ideas? Do the other instances have different names? Is there a way to kill all instances as once?

sudo killall crond
With `killall`, it's worth noting that on *some* Unix systems (Solaris comes to mind), `killall` kills *all* processes. This usually causes your computer to stop entirely.
Greg Hewgill
...that'd still fix it ;)