Using a parametric function
You may define a piecewise parametric function:
f[t_] := Piecewise[
When x[i] <= t <= x[i + 1]
f[t]= (y[i+1]-y[i]) (t - x[i]) / (x[i+1]-x[i]) + y[i],
For {i, 1 ... N};
Then select your points q, ideally spaced less than the minimum p[i+1]-p[i]
Finally sample f[q] at equal t intervals.
Sample result:
Here you can see the effect of reducing the interval size from the biggest to the smallest in the original sample:

You may evaluate the goodness of the approximation adding up the areas (integrating) between the original and re-sampled curves:

If you Plot the integrals for different interval sizes, you may decide what a good sampling is:

Just for the record, the code in Mathematica is:
a = 0;
p = Table[{ a = a + RandomReal[], RandomReal[]}, {10}];
f[t_, h_] := Piecewise[Table[{(h[[i + 1, 2]] - h[[i, 2]]) (t - h[[i, 1]]) /
(h[[i + 1, 1]] - h[[i, 1]]) + h[[i, 2]],
h[[i, 1]] <= t <= h[[i + 1, 1]]},
{i, 1, Length[h] - 1}]];
minSeg[h_] := Min[Table[Norm[h[[i, 1]] - h[[i + 1, 1]]], {i, Length[h] - 1}]];
newSegSize[h_] := (h[[Length@h, 1]] - h[[1, 1]])/
Ceiling[(h[[Length@h, 1]] - h[[1, 1]])/minSeg[h]]
qTable = Table[{t, f[t, p]}, {t, p[[1, 1]], p[[Length@p, 1]], newSegSize[p]}];
Edit: Answering your comment
Commented pgm code:
a = 0; (* Accumulator to ensure an increasing X Value*)
p = Table[{a = a + RandomReal[],
RandomReal[]}, {10}]; (*Generates 10 {x,y} Rnd points with \
increasing x Value*)
f[t_, h_] := (* Def. a PWise funct:
Example of resulting function:
Returns teh following function definition:
Value for Range
2 1<=t<=2
2+2*(-2+t) 2<=t<=3
0 True
Table[{(h[[i + 1, 2]] -
h[[i, 2]]) (t - h[[i, 1]])/(h[[i + 1, 1]] - h[[i, 1]]) + h[[i, 2]],
h[[i, 1]] <= t <= h[[i + 1, 1]]},
{i, 1, Length[h] - 1}]];
minSeg[h_] := (* Just lookup the min input point separation*)
Min[Table[Norm[h[[i, 1]] - h[[i + 1, 1]]], {i, Length[h] - 1}]];
newSegSize[h_] := (* Determine the new segment size for having
the full interval length as a multiple of the
segment size *)
(h[[Length@h, 1]] - h[[1, 1]])/
Ceiling[(h[[Length@h, 1]] - h[[1, 1]])/minSeg[h]]
qTable = (*Generates a table of points using the PW function *)
{t, f[t, p]},
{t, p[[1, 1]], p[[Length@p, 1]],newSegSize[p]}];
ListLinePlot[{qTable, p}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}] (*Plot*)