



I have developed an app that runs perfectly on OSX 10.6 but it gives some error on OSX 10.5. It basically accepts some information from user and stores it on HDD using file handeling. Now I get everything as expected but the file handeling part. i have applied if then else and using NSAlertpanel to check if file is successfully created or not. While running on OSX 10.5 file is not getting created. But now I am not having any idea that is it the file handeling or is the passing variables from window to program. I am using @interface and @property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet to capture the information entered by user on form. Any one can help me with this? Thanks in advance.. EDIT: sorry for confusion, I am not getting any error while compilation or building. Its an alert panel error 'Unable to save user information'. this is what I have implemented in the program if the file with user information does not get's created. So now I dont have any idea why the file is not getting created on the HDD. It works fine on OSX 10.6 but gives above error on 10.5