I've got a hosted VPS hosted by a UK hosting company that for some reason is set to US settings. In fact, until recently, the regional settings were 'English - United States'. I've corrected the regional settings, but my application is still working with the wrong date format. See:
The default dates are supposed to be the current date to the date + 3 months, but as you can see, the dd and MM fields are swapped. Note: the AJAX calendar extender is manually set to dd/MM/yyyy so that is why the calendar pop thinks we are interested in June/July rather than January!
I know there are various ways to set a page or an application to use a particular locale, but I'd rather go for a global approach.
Is it possible to re-configure IIS to work in a different locale, or if not, can I tweak machine.config so that it is a once-only change?
I've got a ticket open with the host but I'm not going to hold my breath - they aren't going to want to reinstall IIS...
Thanks in advance.