



In IIS 6 on a Server 2003 box, when I view the list of websites, it doesn't list them in alphabetical order. I'm assuming that it sorts them on their website ID.

I have one server that won't be getting upgraded to 2008 for a while and it hosts about 40 websites. It has become quite cumbersome for me to look through the list to find the website that I need to modify. Is there any possible way to sort these websites alphabetically based on their website name?


+5  A: 
Martijn Laarman
Don't I feel stupid. I was always looking at the treeview. I don't know why I didn't just think to click the node above it and sort there.Makes me feel as dumb as the fact that Microsoft didn't sort the treeview by the website name.Thanks.
Ryan Smith
No worries, i've cursed many a times at the crooked treeview sorting such a pain!
Martijn Laarman