



I made this a wiki because I think that some people may think it's too "thready" but I had to share and it wasn't appropriate on my blog.

I've had a few, but I think the strangest was once I was on an interview (when I was consulting) and it was my first interview. I wasn't 100% familiar with the position, I knew they wanted to utilize my experience with SQL server to import and archive older data.

Well, I was in a man's office, we were alone and he closed the door on the way in. After a few questions he looked at me with a total straight face and said seriously "So, do you have any experience with Wang?"

Those unfamiliar with American slang should google (or not), but I was frozen silent and beet red for about 30 seconds before he said "It was a database machine in the 70s."

I'm sure that other people have funny stories, sometimes we nerds can be awkward.

+20  A: 

Joining StackOverflow and realizing that there are hundreds of developers out there who have already mastered subjects where I am still a newbie (e.g. Linq). Also, realizing that I've forgotten an enormous amount of stuff that I used to know really well when reading articles on Lisp, lambda functions and functional programming. Sigh

Mark Brittingham
I'll second this comment; this site is often a very humbling experience, which makes it all the more satisfying when you read a question and say "Hey, I know that!"
I can't agree more. It's great to be around so many knowledgeable people who all like sharing and listening.
Jas Panesar
Yes, I have become a much better developer due to the time spent here as well. Some of the practices that I had evolved to solve problems (e.g. testing) have been updated to more formal (and better) processes and I've been turned on to some great tools (ReSharper) as well.
Mark Brittingham
+8  A: 

I was demonstrating my team's new web application to a group of potential users. I took a few minutes to talk about all the cool stuff the Google Visualization API can do, since we were using it heavily in our application. To demonstrate, I decided to graph a few sets of data we have collected previously. It was intended to convey the message: "Look how easy it is! Regular people can make good looking graphs using our product."

As luck would have it, the Google servers that hosted the Javascript files necessary to use the Visualization API decided to stop working midway during my presentation. I sat in the chair, staring at the screen, mumbling to myself "but... but they're Google... their servers can't go down". The team tried to laugh it off, but everyone realized at that moment how dangerous it can be to rely on any third party (even one as big as Google) when it really counts.

It was uncomfortable mainly because (1) our product relied on this seemingly broken technology, and (2) we had planned other demonstrations later in the presentation that relied on the Google Visualization API. The whole thing came back up a few hours later, but the damage was already done.

William Brendel
So you lost the deal?
Click Upvote
It was an educational web application backed by an NSF grant, not a commercial product. We still lost a bunch of credibility I guess, but no real money was lost, thankfully :-)
William Brendel
#include <appropriate_GostBusters_comment>
+32  A: 

While I was consulting we had a meeting with all of the client developers, dba's etc. We were discussing how to move data from a table in one system to a table in the new system. One of the dba's, an attractive female dba, said, "I can do it, but it's gonna take a hand job."

I instantly had to weigh the possibility of rupturing my internal organs by holding in the laughter versus laughing out loud and risking the contract with the client. I chose the latter. I might have been the first to laugh, but I wasn't the only one.

We referred to the dba as Spanky the rest of the project.

Mike Two
Awesome, just awesome! Reminds me of the time I was at an auto shop and a lady walked in screaming "I look a lube job! Can someone please give me a lube job?!" The way she said it and the fact that it came out of nowhere made everyone laugh out loud. +1
William Brendel
It actually gets funnier when you know who the client is, but I can't go there,
Mike Two
Her name wasn't Andrea, was it?
Jarrod Dixon
This sounds like a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen...
What a sweetie dba...
Ok, that was funny... But what did she really mean by "hand job"?
@presario - She meant they would have to write a custom script for some of the rows. Most would get transformed with one script, but there were enough one off cases that they would need to be done by hand.
Mike Two
+3  A: 

When I was working as a consultant, I turned up on a client site after having been briefed by the sales person that the client was just looking for a bit of help with one of their .NET applications. When I was greeted with "so I hear you're a BizTalk expert, here to help with our architecture" it was rather uncomfortable... mainly because at that point I had never even installed the product. Somehow I managed to bullshit my way through the day, and ended up learning BizTalk at home at night for the next few months, just managing to keep ahead of the game, but it wasn't much fun at all.

Oh yeah, then there was the time when I turned up on a client site after having been briefed that it was a simple performance tuning exercise of a web site. And it turns out that it was actually a massively in-depth SQL Server tuning exercise (I am not a SQL Server expert by any means) and that actual performance consultants from other companies such as Microsoft and the SAN vendor had already been down and done their troubleshooting, so all the low hanging fruit had already gone.

I really didn't like being a consultant at times.

Greg Beech
Reminds me an episode of The Simpsons when Marge said that she will teach piano and when Lisa ask does she knows how to play, "it's ok i just need to take one lesson ahead of the students" was her clever reply.
At times? Happens all the time for me!
+3  A: 

I once implemented the polygon-fill algorithm (given a polygon, it selected all the nodes of this mesh that fell inside it --- don't ask) in MaxScript (part of 3ds Max), which is a horrible, disgusting bastard child of Basic and JavaScript.

  • no lexical scoping to speak of
  • fast and loose type system
  • referencing an undeclared variable declares it as undefined, which is fine until you realize that it just messed up the scope of that variable.
  • really really slow

Seriously, check this shit out (given that ( and ) are used to control blocks/scope):

=> 5
=> undefined
=> 6
=> 6
+31  A: 

Some years ago, I was working at a company called Focus ..., and we had built a survey micro-site for a large client (large like global).

Somebody did an update to the form part of the way through that made it not insert the respondents phone numebers.

This caused the phone numbers to be lost for many, many, many thousands of survey respondents, which was particularly hairy, because the purpose of the survey was to get peoples permission to call them.

After learning of this,verifying that the numbers were indeed not stored anywhere, and freaking out, I went to tell the CEO (it was a small company) about the problem.

He sat there for a minute or two, looking thoughtful, and then told me...

"Ok, go generate random 7-digit numbers, prepend valid area codes, and insert them in place of the lost phone numbers, then don't ever mention this again."

Disturbingly, we later heard from the call-center that it was one of the most accurate lists they'd ever had.

omg, I can imagine how horrifying that must have been, and I can't believe his re-action!!!
Sara Chipps
Hah! In the call center: "Man, another bozo entered fake phone number. It's like I met them all in a nightclub."
Andrew Kennan
Hey, half of them were probably fake anyway. Good call. :)
Bill the Lizard
Actually, I did hear later that that the client had said it was one of the most accurate lists they had ever received, in terms of percentages of calls that went through.
@above comment: prepending valid area codes was a stroke of genius
Lol hilarious, totally funny. Good thinking by your boss too
Click Upvote
Wow. That's classy. Your boss is a hero.
+7  A: 

This is a parable about test data.

A long time ago (back in the early 1990s) I was leading a consulting team on a large project for a large company who's initials are not HAL. One aspect of that project was automating some standard typing and editing procedures with WordPerfect macros. We wrote one to automatically insert headers into the current document by pressing ctrl-H. One of my guys thought that it would be funny to end that macro with a message to the screen saying, "Thank you for the good head". (We were very mature.) Everyone thought that was funny and harmless, existing only on our test system.

Time passes.

Another branch of the same firm comes to us and asks for essentially the same system. In order to make sure that the new client got a perfectly working copy of the software, we LapLink-ed (remember LapLink?) our test system to her production system. What could possibly go wrong?

More time passes.

One day I get a phone call. It's the new client. She says, "I was looking for the online help and pressed ctrl-H..."

Embarrassing. Very embarrassing.

The moral of this story: Test data always escapes. Beware.

haaaaaaaaaa, one time someone sent me a link to their test system they were trying to sell me. Long story short it was a mapping system with local "links and events". I wont tell you the kind of crime they had on Division St. however, it's the type you see in prison.
Sara Chipps
+6  A: 

The company I work for has an annual conference where we demo the new features we're working on infront of representatives of our user base - usually over a hundred users attend.

For the first user conference I was to attend I had to finish working on an application which was scheduled to be demoed there. A few days away from the conference I noticed that I was getting a vague error whenever I saved my code in the IDE (Delphi 7). "Damn Delphi, time for a restart" I thought. After I restarted I reopened my project and all the files I was working on were blank!! It turned out I had completely ran out of disk space and whenever I went to save a file it just ended up blanking out the file! I felt sick.

I had a backup but it was about 10 days old. I finally summoned up the courage to tell my boss, who replied "Well I guess you'll be working through lunch".

I did manage to catch my code back up to where it was but it was a very stressful week! Of-course I've since learnt to automate daily backups, lol.

Ben Daniel
Aw man, I feel for you
Click Upvote
Erm... is there something I am missing? If you had a version control with daily checkins, then you wouldn't have faced this problem...
Shivasubramanian A
Not everyone agrees with daily commits Shivasubramanian. I prefer to commit at working milestones with meaningful comments in my commits. People not adhereing to your ideal development practices doesn't make them wrong.
Ben Daniel
We now have daily backups which backup our source at the end of each day (rather than daily commits). This has the benefit of not polluting our version control system with hundreds of versions of each file which may or may not break the build.
Ben Daniel
@Ben, another way of looking at frequent commits is that (in theory) the risk of breaking builds is reduced because you are not committing so much code. It also provides an easier way to track down build problems. But hey, like you say, each to their own!
Yeah, I prefer committing several times daily - if you really can't, make a branch and commit to *that*.
Eamon Nerbonne
+5  A: 

my first job was writing code that would interrogate a PABX system , and get from it call info , like calls waiting , longest one thats been waiting, etc. That was ok for a few years .. then the company decided to record more info. Like the names of call centre employees who logged into a certain phone , how long they'd been logged in for , how long they'd been in a "do not call me" state, etc.

Getting that other info was simply a case of getting the first program , and making a few additions to it, to get info from a different place , or use a different API. It was up and running pretty quickly. Then came time to test it. So I went out on site somewhere that had the right PABX, connected the laptop up to the network, and started getting info. To verify that someone had just finished a call , I went over and asked what I thought was that person whether they'd just put the phone down.

And it was only then that I'd realised that I'd written software that spied on people. I felt horrible after that, and didn't stay in the company for long afterwards. (go ahead and abuse me for not realising it earlier , I deserve it. Funny how managers constantly asking "are you finished yet" make you forget the big picture...)

In call center scenarios, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Most call centers use these kinds of metrics to track performance of their employees. It sucks to be the employee but it prevents abuse, etc. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much.
Noah Goodrich
I used to write code for a small call center, and my job was to build an interactive phone menu system which would automate the jobs of my co-workers so the employer could let them go. None of us felt bad about it because we all hated working there.
+2  A: 

I was working for a small Internet company back in 1995. My boss wanted to develop an service that would alert lobbyists via pager when legislation had changed status as it moved through the political process. (For example, a bill gets introduced, goes through committee, gets voted on, etc.) This was in the early days of government being on the Internet. The application I developed polled the legislative FTP servers and would alert lobbyists when the record indicated that something had happened to the bill. Because it was all based on public records, the service would be cheaper than the nearest competitor.

I busted my butt getting a prototype working within just a few days. We called a meeting with dozens of lobbyists to show the service, complete with catered dinner. During the demo, it quickly became apparent that the basic premise was incorrect: lobbyists don't want to be alerted after status has changed; they want to be alerted before. If a bill has already been voted on, it's too late for the lobbyists to do their work. Unfortunately, there was no way for us to obtain status information about a bill until after something had happened to it.

The product was, from that moment, doomed to failure. I felt awful that users were pitched a product that didn't do what they wanted at all. That didn't stop my boss from continuing to sell the product -- at very high prices -- for a couple of years.

Barry Brown
Did anyone buy it?
Click Upvote
Yes, we had a few customers.
Barry Brown
+1  A: 

I was based in London UK as a Junior Developer.

Once I was asked to install the application developed by our senior staff to a customer in France and lo and behold: on arrival it was clear that the CDs I had with me, were not the correct version..

(later I found out Gremlins did this to me.. yes they are real)


  1. This was mostly SCO and Linux based technology, the customer never knew what was going on.

  2. We had ssh and scp access to our !development! environment.

After setting up a few hops to get away from the customer's very restrictive firewall (via http based remote desktop sessions to even my own personal computer and all sorts of crazy things) I was able to download the correct binary packages...

I was able to look relaxed as if it was all "normal" but inside I was cursing the lives of everyone I knew back at H.Q.

(and thanking my lucky stars for having all sorts of stuff set up at home for home based software development)

Ric Tokyo
+4  A: 

In the spirit of Sara's original story:

My best friend and I were working on tech support desk for college's computer center. To give the context, imagine us: 18 year old freshmen, 100% stereotypical geeks, with a fairly heavy accent to boot (~1 year in USA).

We supported students on 3 environments: VAX running VMS, DEC Alpha (Ultrix) and a bunch of PCs.

So this older (from 18-year-old perspective :) lady comes in and asks for help with some program she can't run (as usual, doesn't bother specifying any details).

My friend tries to narrow down the problem, checks which OS she's having trouble with: "Is it a problem with VMS?" (seeing the last 3 problems came from VAXland)

The woman, uber-indignantly and shrilly: "WHAT KIND OF A DAMN BUSINESS OF YOURS IS IT?!?!?!?!?!"

Silent scene.

The two girls managing the help desk are literally under the desk, laughing their head off and trying to not make any noises doing it. My friend and I standing there looking like the woman's completely mental. The woman looking like she might hit someone right now...

I don't recall who was more embarrassed: my friend who finally figured out what the lady thought he asked, or me, who had to be clued in by cute help desk manager girls 10 minutes later.

Funny. Excuse my curiosity: where are you and your friend from? I'm trying to imagine how a V can be pronounced with a sound similar to P. Anyway, she was not particularly smart to scream at two strangers trying their best to help.
It wasn't pronounced similarly, but she parsed it as the only vaguely-similarly-sounding-word she was familiar with. Human brain error correction :) And that last comment makes it sound like you never worked tech support, which I find to be worth some envy :)

I hadn't done any programming/security work for a few years, mostly due to legal troubles. One day a women came to my home saying that she had a man who wanted me to do a single day of consulting for a hefty fee of $50,000. After mulling over the proposition for a few minutes, I reluctantly agreed.

Let me just say, that was a huge mistake!

Everything about this mans operation seemed shadey and illegal. I was escorted into a backroom and was told to code under a tremendous amount of pressure. If you think coding while people watching you is bad, you would of been really stressed out at this interview. I was really "under the gun", so to speak.

Not only was there a strict time limit, but I was under constant distraction from another female consultant from a different profession. I really thought I was going to blow the whole thing.

In any case I ended up performing the task just in time and was given the job. It ended up being a lot of trouble but it came with a big paycheck so I guess everything evens out.

That sounds like the movie Swordfish to me!
Stanley? Stanley Jobson, is that you?
+2  A: 

I had just started at a new company and I had got involved with a small project for a large multi-national customer. We had scheduled to visit the customer that day to deliver an update. Things were not going to well with certain bug fixes and I was assisting the team lead to try and track down some of the problems. As the scheduled appointment time approached, the team lead packed up his laptop, complete with an application that still did not actually compile, and said,

"We can't be late, that would be political suicide. We'll fix the rest of the bugs when we get there."

Once we arrived, I sat there in shock as my co-worker continued to debug and fix the application in front of the customer.

Darrel Miller

In my first month working for a company, I forgot an instance of SQL profiler open for 2 days. Because of that, the DB server for the development stage resulted overloaded and inaccessible. And the entire development team was trying to get connected to it.

Nobody knows that.
