The regular expression way would definitely be my choice.
I did a little test on a string of 320 words with Veynom's function and a regular expression
function preg( $txt ) {
return !preg_match( '/\b(\w+)\b.*?\1/', $txt );
Here's the test
$time['preg'] = microtime( true );
for( $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++ ) {
preg( $txt );
$time['preg'] = microtime( true ) - $time['preg'];
$time['veynom-thewickedflea'] = microtime( true );
for( $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++ ) {
single_use_of_words( $txt );
$time['veynom-thewickedflea'] = microtime( true ) - $time['veynom-thewickedflea'];
print_r( $time );
And here's the result I got
[preg] => 0.197616815567
[veynom-thewickedflea] => 0.487532138824
Which suggests that the RegExp solution, as well as being a lot more concise is more than twice as fast. ( for a string of 320 words anr 1000 iterations )
When I run the test over 10 000 iterations I get
[preg] => 1.51235699654
[veynom-thewickedflea] => 4.99487900734
The non RegExp solution also uses a lot more memory.
So.. Regular Expressions for me cos they've got a full tank of gas
The text I tested against has duplicate words, If it doesn't, the results may be different. I'll post another set of results.
With the duplicates stripped out ( now 186 words ) the results for 1000 iterations is:
[preg] => 0.235826015472
[veynom-thewickedflea] => 0.2528860569
About evens