



I have a command line app the continuously outputs YAML data in the form:

- col0: datum0
  col1: datum1
  col2: datum2
- col0: datum0
  col1: datum1
  col2: datum2

It does this for all of eternity. I would like to write a Python script that continuously reads each of these records.

The PyYAML library seems best at taking fully loaded strings and interpreting those as a complete YAML document. Is there a way to put PyYAML into a "streaming" mode?

Or is my only option to chunk the data myself and feed it bit by bit into PyYAML?

+2  A: 

All of the references to stream in the the documentation seem to be referring to a stream of documents... I've never tried to use it in the way you describe, but it seems like chunking the data into such a stream of documents is a reasonable approach.

John Mulder
+1  A: 

Here is what I've ended up using since there does not seem to be a built-in method for accomplishing what I want. This function should be generic enough that it can read in a stream of YAML and return top-level objects as they are encountered.

def streamInYAML(stream):
 y = stream.readline()
 cont = 1
 while cont:
  l = stream.readline()
  if len(l) == 0:
   cont = 0
   if l.startswith(' '):
    y = y + l
    yield yaml.load(y)
    y = l

Can anyone do better?

Frank Krueger