jQuery and JavaScript in general are new ground for me.
What are some good resources to get me up and running.
I am particularly interested in page manipulation - eg moving elements about programmatically.
jQuery and JavaScript in general are new ground for me.
What are some good resources to get me up and running.
I am particularly interested in page manipulation - eg moving elements about programmatically.
Well, docs.jquery.com would be a good start (especially the Manipulation section). Usually lots of good examples as well as the documentation.
I picked up jQuery in Action which was well-worth a read.
docs.jquery.com is the obvious choice however there are some great tutorials out there jQuery for designers is one of the best.
However if your looking to really jump in and learn it all quickly and hands on (which i suggest) I highly recommend the firebug console and Visual jQuery and start tinkering away best way to learn IMHO, good luck!
I recommend Learning jQuery and jQuery Reference. The first book is good to get your started with a lot of examples, especially about selecting all kinds of elements. The second is good for quickly looking up a property or method.
There's a nice cheat sheet here: http://www.gscottolson.com/jquery/jQuery1.2.cheatsheet.v1.0.pdf
You could subscribe to a free 10 day trial of safaribooksonline
You should be able to read the jQuery in Action book till your trial runs out. By then you should know if the book is any good and it should of got you up to speed with jQuery.
Visual jQuery is a more pleasant way of browsing the jQuery documentation...
I found the cheat sheets on the Alternative resource page (http://docs.jquery.com/Alternative_Resources) to be very helpful.
The site docs.jquery.com has been mentioned many times already, but in case you don't see this one link it is a great list of learning resources: Tutorials