




I embed SVG graphics in my Flex application using

package MyUI
    public class Assets
        public static var svgPic:Class;

and then extending the Tree class with some of my own code, setting the icon upon adding a node to the data provider:

public class MyTree extends Tree
    public function MyTree()
        // ...
        this.iconField = "svgIcon";
        // ...
        this.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection;
        this.dataProvider.addItem({ /* ... */ svgIcon: MyUI.Assets.svgPic /* ... */ });
        // ...

Now I have two things I want to do:

  • use the SVG graphics in multiple places in the app, scaling them to the appropriate size for each appearance, i. e. scale them to a proper icon size when using them in the tree
  • change the size of the icon at runtime, e. g. display a slightly larger icon for selected items or let an icon "pulse" as a response to some event

I read the Flex documentation on the 9-slice scaling properties in the Embed tag, but I think that's not what I want.


I unsuccessfully checked the "similar questions" suggested by SO, among others this one:



The answer to this question might point you in the right direction, without knowing more about the trouble you're having:


Hope it helps!

Christian Nunciato
No, sorry, I already checked that one out. Thanks anyway.
Hanno Fietz
+1  A: 

Subclass mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer and make it resize the icon to your desired dimensions, or create your own item renderer implementation by using the same interfaces as TreeItemRenderer. Set a custom item renderer with the itemRenderer property:

exampleTree.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory( ExampleCustomItemRendererClass );
OK, that solves my initial sizing, but can I resize the icons at runtime, too?
Hanno Fietz
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you want the icons to resize at runtime in the Tree based on some event or another input?