I'd like to generate uniformly distributed random integers over a given range. The interpreted language I'm using has a builtin fast random number generator that returns a floating point number in the range 0 (inclusive) to 1 (inclusive). Unfortunately this means that I can't use the standard solution seen in another SO question (when the RNG returns numbers between 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive) ) for generating uniformly distributed random integers in a given range:
result=Int((highest - lowest + 1) * RNG() + lowest)
The only sane method I can see at the moment is in the rare case that the random number generator returns 1 to just ask for a new number.
But if anyone knows a better method I'd be glad to hear it.
NB: Converting an existing random number generator to this language would result in something infeasibly slow so I'm afraid that's not a viable solution.
Edit: To link to the actual SO answer.