



I'd like to play videos, as well as display images and possibly other flash content using adobe air, and reading from the local file system. I've been searching APIs and I have not yet been able to connect the dots.

I know of flash.filesystem.File and flash.filesystem.FileStream and have experimented with loading and reading files. I believe I can load images this way but haven't tried.

As for video:

mx.controls.VideoDisplay - seems to accept a file:// URI for source, but I can't get it to work. - accepts a NetStream or can load video directly from a video input, can't seem to find a way to reference a local file

Can anyone help me out here? I specifically want to load and play video directly off the local disk, not from a web server or a streaming file server... assume no network connectivity.

Slightly related question: Loading a video from the local file system… (but my question does not involve a web browser)


Try adding "-use-network=false" to your Flex compiler settings. This will give you access to load local resources, which could be the source of the problem; the sandboxing rules are somewhat sensitive, so if you're sure you won't need network connectivity, tweaking this setting might relax things a bit.

Also ran across this, which might be related as well:

In my case, though, just briefly testing, both of the following work in debug and release builds, without modifying the compiler setting, in case it's just the literals you're using to reference the FLVs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
    <mx:VideoDisplay source="D:\Data\Projects\Flex 3\AirLocalVideo\bin-debug\NightSky.flv" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
    <mx:VideoDisplay source="file://D:/Data/Projects/Flex 3/AirLocalVideo/bin-debug/NightSky.flv" />

... so I guess it's maybe difficult to diagnose without a bit more information. Hope this helps -- I'll keep an eye on the comments if you want to share a bit more info.

Christian Nunciato
+1  A: 

The use I have in mind is required to be programmatic in usage. I was looking for a way to do this directly with ActionScript.

I finally stumbled onto the solution I was hoping for... using a NetStream object, but (non-intuitively) you can use this to access local files as well:

private function playVideo():void {
  var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();

  var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);

  # onMetaData listener is required otherwise you get a ReferenceError
  var client:Object = new Object();
  client.onMetaData = function(metadata:Object):void {
  ns.client = client;

  var v:Video = new Video();

  var f:File = new File("/tmp/test.flv");;
Mark Renouf
Ah, I see -- I didn't realize that's what you were going for. Glad you found a solution -- I'll have to bookmark this one for future use; thanks for posting it!
Christian Nunciato