For an open source project I have I am writing an abstraction layer on top of the filesystem.
This layer allows me to attach metadata and relationships to each file.
I would like the layer to handle file renames gracefully and maintain the metadata if a file is renamed / moved or copied.
To do this I will need a mechanism for calculating the identity of a file. The obvious solution is to calculate an SHA1 hash for each file and then assign metadata against that hash. But ... that is really expensive, especially for movies.
So, I have been thinking of an algorithm that though not 100% correct will be right the vast majority of the time, and is cheap.
One such algorithm could be to use file size and a sample of bytes for that file to calculate the hash.
Which bytes should I choose for the sample? How do I keep the calculation cheap and reasonably accurate? I understand there is a tradeoff here, but performance is critical. And the user will be able to handle situations where the system makes mistakes.
I need this algorithm to work for very large files (1GB+ and tiny files 5K)
I need this algorithm to work on NTFS and all SMB shares (linux or windows based), I would like it to support situations where a file is copied from one spot to another (2 physical copies exist are treated as one identity). I may even consider wanting this to work in situations where MP3s are re-tagged (the physical file is changed, so I may have an identity provider per filetype).
Related question: Algorithm for determining a file’s identity (Optimisation)