





I was trying to solve an LP with CPLEX. It throws an exception "CPLEX Error 1001: Out of memory" when I am building the model. Please note that I am getting this error while modelling and not while optimizing. There are google results for Out of memory scenarios during optimization.

Your help is highly appreciated


+1  A: 

There's very little information to work with here... does the problem occur for small LPs? How big of an LP are you building? Have you seen this ILOG forum thread?

Zach Scrivena

Thank you very much for the response. The issue is temporarily solved.

I was running the optimizer on a server with 8G ram (3G free) and the model was huge. We have been starting JRE with Min Heap size ( java -Xms1G ) set to 1G. I believe this caused JRE to reserve a lot of space in the server memory; leaving no room for the CPLEX process.

After numerous trial and error experiments with different CPLEX parameters (all of them failed!), we attempted start the optimizer with java -Xms512M -Xmx750M and it worked!!!
