UI Databinding aka transfer of information/data from the biz-layer/datamodel of an application to the UI and from the UI back to the datamodel, seams to be ignored a little by language and framework designers.
Almost all information processed by software systems today has to be presented at some point of the processing chain to human users, still the support we get from our programming systems to present info to users mostly consists of hard to maintain transfer methods, some systems using reflection with no compiletime verification ("propertychanged" anyone?), or propritiary code generators.
I mean Erik Meijer, Anders Hejlsberg and their teams f.e. have put huge efforts to solve the impedance mismatch between DBs, XMLs and the code... but left out UI mostly. (well yes .net has databinding, but try to use it and then let's talk about a real solution) The point is: what is the rational behind NOT treating databinding specially as first class feature of a language f.e? Why is there only so limited (or none) support for MVC/MVP patterns in our tools today?
Please provide comments, hints and pointers to alternative concepts available and maybe even work in progress in this field. Is there even any new creative and fresh ideas? Any helpful frameworks, language concepts supporting databinding, and maybe tools which help you to handle databinding in your apps or systems?