In a similar situation, I tried using tar to batch up the files. I wrote a tiny script to pipe the output of the tar command across to the target machine directly in to a receiving tar process which unbundled the files.
The tar approach almost doubled the rate of transfer compared to scp or rsync (YMMV).
Here are the tar commands. Note that you’ll need to enable r-commands by creating .rhosts files in the home directories of each machine (remove these after they copy is complete - they are notorious security problems). Note also that, as usual, HP-UX is awkward - whereas the rest of the world uses ‘rsh’ for the remote-shell command, HP-UX uses ‘remsh’. ‘rsh’ is some kind of restricted shell in HP parlance.
box1> cd source_directory; tar cf - . | remsh box2 "cd target_directory; tar xf - "
The first tar command creates a file called ‘-’, which is a special token meaning ’standard output’ in this case. The archive created contains all the files in the current directory (.) plus all subdirectories (tar is recursive by default). This archive file is piped into the remsh command which sends it to the box2 machine. On box 2 I first change to the proper receiving directory, then I extract from ‘-’, or ’standard input’ the incoming files.
I had 6 of these tar commands running simultaneously to ensure the network link was saturated with data, although I suspect that disk access may have been the limiting factor.