Wrong? Partially.
"Your codebase grows incrementally, and never has a big planning/hierarchical design stage."
"That, to me, suggests that software design (worthy though it is) has been subsumed into refactoring..."
Not quite correct.
There's a huge gulf between Big Design Up Front (BDUF) and a more Agile design approach.
BDUF dictates that all design is completed before any coding. This is still popular (just read an RFP yesterday which absolutely required all design be reviewed by the customer before any coding could begin. Sigh.)
Agile suggests that perhaps all design isn't a helpful goal. You need to do enough design that TDD will work. You can't, for example, start TDD until you have a working infrastructure that allows someone to write tests and incrementally evolve a solution knowing that there won't be a weird production deployment problem to solve.
Design is still king. Agile Design is better than monolithic design.
A consequence of Agile Design is YAGNI, DRY and Less-is-More. These don't replace design, they're a consequence of how you prioritize and do design.
BDD and TDD are ways to structure your time so you have focus on what people need, what they do and what really matters. TDD, in particular, focuses on testable behaviors of the software. Not zero-value nuance, but actual behavior.
Premature optimization is interesting, but unrelated. Even Agile teams can run down a low-value rat-hole pursuing a nuance or optimization that doesn't add any value. Premature optimization is a habit of overthinking (== "hand wringing") a technology choice without facts about actual performance.
Agile is supposed to help you focus on the big picture: What actual people will actually do with the actual software and avoid technology rat-holes.
It doesn't replace engineering. It refocuses it.