I would like to centralize different log4j logs to a server. where can I find one ?
My two cents ...
Are you looking for a gui application (e.g. for debugging)?
Are you looking for a centralized archive (e.g. for production system administration)?
- You could use the jdbc appender and store all you log on a db.
Are you looking for library (e.g. for some integration purpose)?
- Try http://logging.apache.org/log4j/companions/receivers/index.html (only log4j 2.0, I never used it)
LLP, Andrea
Just my two cents,
1) I would advise against the JDBC appender for production environments as it can lead to some performance problems when buffers start filling up.
2) I think a better approach would be to use an application that can monitor log files remotely over ssh etc. There are some about, sorry cant remember their names.
Remember log4j is highly performant but it is synchronous so if you do decided to publish log events to a server take into account latency / transient network problems etc.
I would suggest using the SyslogAppender and grabbing an open source implementation of a syslog daemon if running on Windows. Unix/Linux/etc comes with native support for Syslog.