




i am looking for svn admin a desktop application like "VisualSVN Server" only for remote server the svn server will run on Linux but i need the admin tool to run locally on my window matching i wont to be able to create user group and change security setting create new repositories and not by writing commands

is there is a tool like this out there? and if so which one do you recommend thanks

if it was hard to understand i just wants to be able to admin a subversion server remotely thanks again

+3  A: 

well, creating new repositories is pretty easy if you have got access to the directories (works very nice with tortoise svn - just create a directory - create repository here from the tortoise svn menu - you're done.

On the other hand I've got no solution for creating user groups and change security settings on a linux server without the help of the almighty ssh (and the shell)

Agree on the Tortoise point, but you could probably install a Linux distro with a nice and easy remote web interface with the other stuff.. if you didn't want to get your hands dirty in the shell :)
Steven Robbins
shure thing - but I've never used one of those
+1  A: 

I must say I am finding it difficult to understand your question, makes me think you are not sure you want svn, but a source control/version tool that you can use on a stand alone development machine instead...(if so google Git)

Update: OK, now I understand what you want: Here is a quick and easy svn manager

Ric Tokyo
I think he just wants to be able to admin a subversion server remotely, including adding new users etc. And SVN runs just fine locally, if that's what he wanted to do :)
Steven Robbins
no i am not working alone on the svn and yes all i wont to be able to admin a subversion server remotely
okay then :) I might update later
Ric Tokyo
that nice but we are not running Apache 2 or PHP 5 this is reason we prefer desktop application

Without Apache, try svnserve

Ric Tokyo

there is no desktop application like i am looking for at list not for free
