



I suppose the best answer to this question will be "what kind of programming?"

But I'm having trouble finding any good sites for getting general programming news. By this, I just mean that I want some websites to keep up with what's new both in technologies and new techniques without being slanted one way or another.

I'll read programming reddit fairly frequently, but I sometimes feel that it's frequently slanted towards certain issues (I'm strategically avoiding naming the issues to prevent flamewars from spawning).

So, are there any recommendations on good news sites?

+4  A:

+2  A: 

I get some news from ars technica.

Jason Baker
+7  A: 

Hacker News, the one, the only.

Matt Briggs
By far, one of the best sources of what is going on in technology today and what is relevant to folks who write code.
Ray Vega
+2  A: 


+2  A: 

I like CodeProject and Computerworld.

Jim Anderson
+3  A: 

I get all mine from TheDailyWTF :D

Seriously, Scott Guthrie's blog is a good place for stuff, which is what I've been looking at recently.

And in general, Microsoft Developer Blogs are a good place for Microsoft specific stuff anyway.

Andrew Rollings
+3  A: 

Twitter. Use to look for tweets you are interested in.


You'll be amazed how much information you can find in 140 characters.

+3  A: 

* is awesome.

A steady flow of links to appropriately categorised news and links. Not so sure about the validity or volume of up/down votes but they probably help.

Scott Bennett-McLeish
+1  A: 

Slashdot. And occaisionally the RSS feeds in the startup page on Visual Studio.

But increasingly, just from browsing the questions on this site-- someone will ask a question to which I just don't know the answer, and then the answer will be something I don't know, and then I find myself learning from that.

The other place is just from trying to accomplish a task. If I need to do some new thing, whatever that thing is, I go out and research it. is a great resource for academic papers, especially with an academic vpn account so you can just download the articles.

+1  A: 

I am not sure you will find one source that is the end all be all for programming news. I recommend you use a feed aggregator (RSS Bandit, Google reader etc) and subscribe to some bloggers that blog on programming subjects that you are interested in.

Jim Petkus
+1  A: 

As others, I've subscribed to several blogs and mailing lists. However, the best source I've found for more thorough updates are user groups meetings Microsoft organizes. In my country, there are about half a dozen programming user groups, each meeting every month or two. The meetings take place during the afternoon, namely after working hour, and are totally free. They are indeed MS-centric, but if you're into their stuff it's usually worth the bother. I believe a 3 hour lecture, with demos and a chance to ask questions, is a great source to get a preliminary understanding of new technologies.

+1  A: 

Freshmeat for new OSS projects.

+2  A: 

For ASP.NET and the Microsoft stack, I recommend the following:

Scott Gu's Blog

Scott Hanselman's Blog

Rick Strahl's Blog

Phil Haack's Blog

Dave Ward's Blog

Pretty much any major news in the .NET world will get a mention on one or more of these blogs.
