



I read on here of an exercise in interviews known as validating a binary search tree.

How exactly does this work? What would one be looking for in validating a binary search tree? I have written a basic search tree, but never heard of this concept.


+5  A: 

"Validating" a binary search tree means that you check that it does indeed have all smaller items on the left and large items on the right. Essentially, it's a check to see if a binary tree is a binary search tree.

This page allows you to draw a binary tree and validate it to see if it's a binary search tree.

@j32: The page you linked to doesn't 'do' anything. It's just doco...
Mitch Wheat
It has a Java applet that allows you draw a binary tree... Anyway, that was just an example usage of the term.

Consider this algorithm (C-Style pseudocode):

Assuming this BinaryNode data structure:

  BinaryNode left;
  BinaryNode right;
  T element;

bool IsValidBST(BinaryNode node) 
  // If the (sub-)tree is empty (recursion ends) or a leaf node,
  // no problem.
  if (node == null || node.left == null && node.right == null)
    return true;

  // Or if node with either (left or right) child nodes or both children.

    // Check the value of this/parent node against
    // that of the left child.  If left child is not present,
    // no problem.  If the left child does exist
    // and its element value is larger than this node's.
    // the BST property is not valid.

    if (node.left != null && (node.element < node.left.element))
      return false;

    // Now we test with the right child.
    if (node.right != null && (node.right.element < node.element))
      return false;

    // If the BST property at this node is satisfied,
    // then the rest is up to the conditions of the left and
    // right subtrees, both must return true from recursive calls.
    return IsValidBST(node.left) && IsValidBST(node.right);
this doesn't really check if the tree is binary search tree. Check the example in Scott's answer.
Agreed. This does not catch the case where there is a child somewhere to my right that is less than my value. g0na's answer does work completely.


Just as I expected. You are checking the values, recursively.

+9  A: 

Given the following tree.

   /  \
  5   20
     /  \
    6    21

Using the above algorithm, wouldn't IsValidBST return true for this tree? But, I don't this this is a valid binary search tree since 6 is less than 10.

+7  A: 

Actually that is the mistake everybody does in an interview.

Leftchild must be checked against (minLimitof node,node.value)

Rightchild must be checked against (node.value,MaxLimit of node)


bool IsValidBST(BinaryNode node, int MIN, int MAX) 
     if(node == null)
         return true;
     if(node.element > MIN 
         && node.element < MAX
         && IsValidBST(node.left,MIN,node.element)
         && IsValidBST(node.right,node.element,MAX))
         return true;
         return false;


Another solution(if space is not a constraint) Do an inorder traversal of the tree and store the node values in an array. If the array is in sorted order, its a valid BST otherwise not.

"Another solution(if space is not a constraint) Do an inorder traversal of the tree and store the node values in an array. If the array is in sorted order, its a valid BST otherwise not."... Well you don't need _space_ or an array to do that. If you can do the traversal in the first place, and the array that you would create should be sorted, then each element that you visit during the traversal must be greater (or, in the limit case, equal) to the previous one, right?
Daniel Daranas
Yes. I agree with that. but still we need one global variable to assign and access the previous value in the recursive calls. and its better than my previous example passing (MIN,MAX) on each call and eat up space on stack.Thanks

I used the code from g0na in an interview last week. I had gotten this exact question in a previous interview and looked up the the answer. The code is exactly what an interviewer is looking for: a simple, tight solution to a problem you'll likely never see in the real world. I still waiting for "how to tell if 2 rectangles overlap."

No Refunds No Returns
+1  A: 

Here is my solution in Clojure:

(defstruct BST :val :left :right)

(defn in-order [bst]
  (when-let [{:keys [val, left, right]} bst]
      (concat (in-order left) (list val) (in-order right)))))

(defn is-strictly-sorted? [col]
    (fn [[a b]] (< a  b))
    (partition 2 1 col)))

(defn is-valid-BST [bst]
  (is-strictly-sorted? (in-order bst)))
Dmitry Kakurin

It's better to define an invariant first. Here the invariant is -- any two sequential elements of the BST in the in-order traversal must be always less or equal (greater or equal). So solution can be just a simple in-order traversal with remembering the last visited node and comparison the current node against the last visited one to '<' (or '>').
