How about performing a depth-first search, visiting the left child before the right child, to determine the height of the tree. Thereafter, the first leaf you encounter with a shorter depth, or a parent with a missing child would indicate where you should place the new node before "bubbling up".
The depth-first search (DFS) approach above doesn't assume that you know the total number of nodes in the tree. If this information is available, then we can "zoom-in" quickly to the desired place, by making use of the properties of complete binary trees:
Let N be the total number of nodes in the tree, and H be the height of the tree.
Some values of (N,H) are (1,0), (2,1), (3,1), (4,2), ..., (7,2), (8, 3).
The general formula relating the two is H = ceil[log2(N+1)] - 1.
Now, given only N, we want to traverse from the root to the position for the new node, in the least number of steps, i.e. without any "backtracking".
We first compute the total number of nodes M in a perfect binary tree of height H = ceil[log2(N+1)] - 1, which is M = 2^(H+1) - 1.
If N == M, then our tree is perfect, and the new node should be added in a new level. This means that we can simply perform a DFS (left before right) until we hit the first leaf; the new node becomes the left child of this leaf. End of story.
However, if N < M, then there are still vacancies in the last level of our tree, and the new node should be added to the leftmost vacant spot.
The number of nodes that are already at the last level of our tree is just (N - 2^H + 1).
This means that the new node takes spot X = (N - 2^H + 2) from the left, at the last level.
Now, to get there from the root, you will need to make the correct turns (L vs R) at each level so that you end up at spot X at the last level. In practice, you would determine the turns with a little computation at each level. However, I think the following table shows the big picture and the relevant patterns without getting mired in the arithmetic (you may recognize this as a form of arithmetic coding for a uniform distribution):
0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 <--- represents the last level in our tree, X marks the spot!
L L L L R R R R <--- at level 0, proceed to the R child
L L R R L L R R <--- at level 1, proceed to the L child
L R L R L R L R <--- at level 2, proceed to the R child
^ (which is the position of the new node)
this column tells us
if we should proceed to the L or R child at each level
EDIT: Added a description on how to get to the new node in the shortest number of steps assuming that we know the total number of nodes in the tree.