




I was looking for Object Relational Mappers on Google and found this ORM (TierDeveloper O/R mapper).

Has someone tried it? What were your experiences with it? Is it easier to use than other ORMs?


I would recommend basing your comparison of it against Fluent NHibernate and NHibernate and see which personally works better for you. NHibernate does seem to be the de facto industry standard due to the length of use it's seen from its origins in Hibernate.

The biggest downside is the complicated XML that is required to be maintained for NHibernate. This problem has been mitigated by Fluent NHibernate, where depending on your database, Fluent NHibernate can auto-map your domain entities to your database tables with conventions tTo your database.

Chris Marisic

I like StoredProcedure and I don't want to use dynamic Sql. So I don't like nHibernate.


I have been using Tier Developer for couple of years but it is a very rigid tool. I would personally recommend not to use tier Developer


I have evaluated many ORM modellers and code generators over the years, none of them gave me the code I wanted or it was overly complicated. Over the last few years in my spare time I have created my own SP and C# code generator.

The generator is very intuitive to use and generates CRUD stored procedures, Data Components, Business components and Business Entities. The generated code uses SqlDataReaders for it's data retrieval and no reflection so is very fast.

A web administration project can also be generated as well as an nunit test project.

Performance benchmarks comparing it to the ADO.NET Entity Framework and Linq to SQL can be found on the site.

Find it here http://www.elencysolutions.co.uk, it's FREE.
