Hi, We had an asp.net 1.1 application that we recently migrated to 3.5. We are facing some problems when we do code modification on the migrated application. Here is what is happening
In the asp.net 1.1 application we have the page directive codebehind="ePC.aspx.cs". This migrated fine.
We made some code changes to the .cs file. Say for example, we added a button and added the event handler to the button.
This new functionality was not getting executed properly.
We changed the codebehind directive to codefile directive
Now it is working fine. But during deployment, it asks that the .cs file also be deployed along with the aspx page. We are not sure why this is happening.
I have attached an example page directive
In VisualStudio with CodeFile
<%@ Page language="c#" Codefile="ePC.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="True" Inherits="SPUniversal.Web.ePC" %>
After publishing the website
<%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="True" inherits="SPUniversal.Web.ePC, App_Web_eu_mdesx" %>
The *App_Web_eu_mdesx* got generated automatically in the published website. I dont understand what is going on here