I've been trying to use the WPF toolkit in a WPF application that I'm deploying internally at my company, but the toolkit needs .Net 3.5 sp1. The only difference between sp0 and sp1 for the toolkit is the MultiSelector class that the datagrid uses.
My question is, does anybody know of a workaround for this so sp1 isn't required? Is there a custom MultiSelector class that I could use?
I know the toolkit was started before sp1 but I'm not sure what kind of progress was made before the MultiSelector was added.
I've tried using ILDasm to get the IL code for the MultiSelector class and generate my own, but I haven't had any success as it implements features from internal parts of the Selector class in PresentationFramework.dll.
Any help on this matter would be great, and upgrading everybody to .Net 3.5 sp1 is currently not an option.
If anybody knows about another free datagrid control that could be used in place of the WPF Toolkit, it would be appreciated as well.