



Is it possible via any Unix utility to read chunks of a remote file (like say 'head' does) instead of transferring the whole file ?

+3  A: 

You can execute remote commands through SSH

ssh [email protected] "head <filename>"
Thanks! That made me feel dumb myself :-(
+2  A: 
  1. You can remotely extract interesting part of the file (using dd for example) and then transfer the interesting chunk back.
  2. Other option would be to employ netcat:

    dd if=file skip=... bs=... count=...| nc <host> <port>

    And on the receiver:

    nc -l -p <port> | dd of=chunk
  3. You can use curl with the following options (assuming you have got HTTP or FTP that supports seeking):

    • -r to retrieve the range of bytes
    • -C to start downloading from a given offset

For sure there are other possibilities apart from the ones mentioned. More information on your case could help to devise a smarter method.

+1  A: 

If you understand Python, the paramiko library should make this reasonably easy to do. It is a pure Python implementation of the ssh protocol, and specifically sftp should allow you to get the part of a file you need.

See for details.

Lars Wirzenius
Thanks for the the link!