


+1  Q: 

Bookmark a page

How can we bookmark a page on clicking a button or a link button in flex using actionscript


You'll have to use javascript for that. Just create a javascript function to bookmark a page in your html file that is hosting the swf and then call that function from inside the swf using ExternalInterface.

Here's an example of a javascript function for bookmarking:

Here's the Flex docs on how to use ExternalInterface:

Christophe Herreman

AFAIK, you can't do that from actionscript directly. However, you can invoke javascript from actionscript unsing the ExternalInterface class, and the web is teeming with javascript functions to create bookmarks. Take a look at this, for example (I have not tested it).

David Hanak
+1  A: 

A working example based on the information in previous answers:

bookmarks.js (add this to your html-template directory):

 function CreateBookmarkLink(title, url) 
    if (window.sidebar) { // Mozilla Firefox Bookmark
     window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,"");
    } else if( window.external ) { // IE Favorite
     window.external.AddFavorite( url, title); }
    else if(window.opera && window.print) { // Opera Hotlist
     return true; }

Then add this line to index.template.html:

<script src="bookmarks.js" language="javascript"></script>

Now you have javascript code "wrapping" your Flex application which can be called by this code (bookmarks.mxml):

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
      public function AddBookmark() : void
                   "Stack Overflow", 
    <mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="Bookmark!" click="AddBookmark()"/>

Tested on IE.

Assaf Lavie
This Firefox method doesn't work because it forces the bookmark to open in the sidebar - which is not the desired outcome.
Eric Caron