




I'm on the look out for a Cor C++ library / SDK that will allow me to either write a 3d PDF directly, or convert a DXF or DWG into a 3D PDF. So far I have come up with the PDF3d library which fits the bill, but is reasonably costly and has an expensive per user run time license. I don't mind a reasonable SDK cost, but the per seat cost kills it for me.

Anyone aware of any alternatives?

+1  A: 

I know that acrobat itself provides their free SDK 8.1 which supports 3d features as given in http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/Acrobat_SDK_whats_new.pdf But I am not sure how much work is required to plugin for conversions. Hope this might work for you.

While free, the acrobat SDK requires the user to have acrobat installed on their PC, which equates to a per user runtime cost. The Adobe PDF library with 3d is a possible alternative, though I haven't checked out prices as yet.
Shane MacLaughlin
I'm pretty sure there is a per seat cost for Adobe PDF library
+1  A: 

I use PDF XChange a lot for 2D CAD plots to PDF and it works well. I don't know if (I don't think so) it does 3D. I could find no mention of it at first glance on their site.

Your other option is a 3D DWF. Also consider that DWG TrueView is a free viewer and printer that handles 3D DWGs natively. You used to be able to automate TrueView through COM but I'm not sure if that is still so. Here is a blog post on some automation of Trueview - http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/through_the_interface/2007/10/au-handouts-t-1.html

CAD bloke
Thanks for the heads up about TrueView. I only use AutoCAD for viewing / testing translators so this is a real bonus.
Shane MacLaughlin
+2  A: 

I used PDFNet SDK (from PDFTron) to generate 3D PDF with embedded U3D and PRC files. The library is also available as a C++ library (on Windows, Linux, Mac). As a starting point I used U3D sample (http://www.pdftron.com/pdfnet/samplecode.html#U3D).

Btw, it seems that PDFTron PDFNet is used in AutoCAD and many other leading CAD applications (you may want to check their client list).

WHO DAT???? Who dat say day gonna beat dem saints???