Grrr so close yet still failing...
I display this tree, in Flex, which contains two nodes types:
- Regular nodes, which are rendered normally like text (because they are!)
- Rich (HTML) nodes - that's where things get twisted
Note that my issue is when I dynamically add a new (html) node to my tree.
So... How do I display HTML nodes?
- I subclass TreeItemRenderer
- In that subclass, I override set data() and add a text child to my renderer
Therefore I now have:
[icon] [label]
[text component]
The default label is a pure text component, not HTML-capable, hence the extra component: I want to display the new guy and forget the default label.
- (continued) I override updateDisplayList() and, if the node is a rich one, I set label's height to zero, set my component's x and y to label'x and and y.
So...what am I missing? Ah, yes: I need to set my node's height since HTML text can be bigger or smaller than its text counterpart.
- (continued) I override measure()
- If my node is not a rich one, I simply invoke super.measure() and return
- If it is a rich one, I give my html component a width (htmlComponent.width = explicitWidth - super.label.x;) and its height should be automatically computed.
This gives me a fairly reliably unreliable result!
When I fold/unfold my tree, every other time, I seem to get a correct height for my HTML node. The other time I get a height of '4' which happens to be the HTML component's padding alone, without content.
I know that I must be doing something fairly stupid here...but I am not sure what. I will post my code if my rambling is too incoherent to make any sense of...
**** EDIT: here is the source code for my renderer As you can see, only 'notes' nodes use HTML. I add a 'htmlComponent' child that will display the rich text while the default label is zero-sized and disappears. It's definitely very raw code, as it's in progress!
package com.voilaweb.tfd
import mx.collections.*;
import mx.controls.Text;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.*;
import mx.core.UITextField;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
public class OutlinerRenderer extends TreeItemRenderer
private function get is_note():Boolean
return ('outlinerNodeNote' == XML(;
override public function set data(value:Object):void
{ = value;
var htmlComponent:Text = super.getChildByName("htmlComponent") as Text;
htmlComponent = new Text(); = "htmlComponent";
htmlComponent.htmlText = XML('nodeText');
htmlComponent.htmlText = null;
setStyle('verticalAlign', 'top');
* Today we've learnt a valuable lesson: there is no guarantee of when createChildren() will be invoked.
* Better be dirty and add children in set data()
override protected function createChildren():void
var htmlComponent:Text = new Text(); = "htmlComponent";
override protected function measure():void
var htmlComponent:Text = super.getChildByName("htmlComponent") as Text;
//Setting the width of the description field
//causes the height calculation to happen
htmlComponent.width = explicitWidth - super.label.x;
//We add the measuredHeight to the renderers measured height
//measuredHeight += (htmlComponent.measuredHeight - label.measuredHeight);
// Note the silly trick here...hopefully in the future I figure out how to avoid it
// Here is what happens: we check if measuredHeight is equal to decoration such as margin, insets...rather than that + some height
// If so, then we need to come up with an actual height which we do by adding textHeight to this height
// Note that I care about text being equal to margin etc but do not have proper access to these
// For instance UITextField.TEXT_HEIGHT_PADDING == 4 but is not accessible
// I am going to check if "<10" that will cover this case...
trace("For text " + htmlComponent.htmlText);
trace("width = " + htmlComponent.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth()+" x height = " + htmlComponent.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight());
var m:TextLineMetrics = htmlComponent.measureHTMLText(htmlComponent.htmlText);
//if(10 > htmlComponent.measuredHeight && !isNaN(htmlComponent.explicitHeight))
//htmlComponent.explicitHeight = m.height + htmlComponent.measuredHeight;
//if(htmlComponent.measuredHeight < 10) htmlComponent.explicitHeight = 50;
//measuredHeight += (htmlComponent.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() - super.label.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight());
measuredHeight += (htmlComponent.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() - label.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight());
trace("m:"+m.height+" Height: " + htmlComponent.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight());
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
label.height = label.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight(); // If you tell me my height, then I shall use my variable height!
label.height = 0;
var htmlComponent:Text = super.getChildByName("htmlComponent") as Text;
htmlComponent.x = label.x;
htmlComponent.y = label.y;
htmlComponent.height = htmlComponent.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
var complete:XMLList = XML('complete');
if(complete.length() > 0 && true == complete[0])
var startx:Number = data ? TreeListData(listData).indent : 0;
startx += disclosureIcon.measuredWidth;
startx += icon.measuredWidth;
graphics.lineStyle(3, getStyle("color"));
var y:Number = label.y + label.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() / 2;
graphics.moveTo(startx, y);
graphics.lineTo(startx + label.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth(), y);