



Surely there must be a way to do this easily!

I've tried the linux command-line apps sha1sum & md5sum but they seem only to be able to compute hashes of individual files and output a list of hash values, one for each file.

I need to generate a single hash for the entire contents of a folder (not just the filenames).

I'd like to do something like

sha1sum /folder/of/stuff > singlehashvalue

Edit: to clarify, my files are at multiple levels in a directory tree, they're not all sitting in the same root folder.

+3  A: 

If you just want to hash the contents of the files, ignoring the filenames then you can use

cat $FILES | md5sum

Make sure you have the files in the same order when computing the hash:

cat $(echo $FILES | sort) | md5sum

But you can't have directories in your list of files.

+1  A: 

Try to make it in two steps:

  1. create a file with hashes for all files in a folder
  2. hash this file

Like so:

# for FILE in `find /folder/of/stuff -type f | sort`; do sha1sum $FILE >> hashes; done
# sha1sum hashes

Or do it all at once:

# cat `find /folder/of/stuff -type f | sort` | sha1sum
João da Silva

You could sha1sum to generate the list of hash values and then sha1sum that list again, it depends on what exactly it is you want to accomplish.

Ronny Vindenes

I would pipe the results for individual files through sort (to prevent a mere reordering of files to change the hash) into md5sum or sha1sum, whichever you choose.

Rafał Dowgird
+10  A: 

One possible way would be:

sha1sum /path/to/folder/* | sha1sum

If there is a whole directory tree, you're probably better off using find and xargs. One possible command would be

find /path/to/folder -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sha1sum | sha1sum

Edit: Good point, it's probably a good thing to sort the list of files, so:

find path/to/folder -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 sha1sum | sha1sum

If you sort after the first sha1sum, then a LF in a filename should do no harm.
Rafał Dowgird
Edited. Sort can work on 0 delimited lists with the -z option.
Aaron Digulla
and don't forget to set LC_ALL=POSIX, so the various tools create locale independent output.
David Schmitt
+4  A: 
  • Commit the directory to git, use the commit hash. See metastore for a way to also control permissions.

  • Use a file system intrusion detection tool like aide.

  • hash a tar ball of the directory:

    tar cvf - /path/to/folder | sha1sum

  • Code something yourself, like vatine's oneliner:

    find /path/to/folder -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 sha1sum | sha1sum

David Schmitt
+1 for the Git solution. :)
+2  A: 

What's wrong with a tar -c /path/to/folder | sha1sum?
