I am trying to have 2 tables with crossed foreign keys, but I am not allowed to reference a table that doesn't exist when I am creating them. Any way of creating tables like this for mysql, something like declare both tables at the same time or delay evaluation of foreign keys?
Error is 1005: Can't create table blocks.frm (errno 150) on a mysql 5.0
create table if not exists blocks(
id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
title varchar(100),
defaultpage int unsigned not null,
foreign key(defaultpage) references pages(pageID),
primary key(id)) engine=innodb;
create table if not exists pages(
pageID int unsigned not null auto_increment,
title varchar(50) not null,
content blob,
blockid int unsigned not null,
foreign key(blockid) references block(id),
primary key(pageID) ) engine=innodb;
What is the proper way to solve the problem?