




The only client I keep hearing about is TortoiseSVN. Is this the best option or do you have another preferred client?

+2  A: 

I guess TortoiseSVN is the best option for non-MS projects, VisualSVN is good, if you are using the Visual Studio IDE.

On the server side, VisualSVN Server(ofcourse its uses svn internally) is also a good(also free) option for people who would want a hassle-free GUI option.

+19  A: 

TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN for Visual Studio integration.

However, don't overlook the svn command line tool - very powerful and unbeatable for scripting repetitive actions like updating multiple working copies and managing mergeinfo properties en-masse.

Neil Barnwell
TortoiseSVN is a pain in the... in my case.However I suppose it's something with my environment as I can't imagine so many people would use it if it worked so terribly like in my case.To give SVN a chance to prove itself I'm starting to learn command line tools.
Piotr Owsiak
What are your issues? Perhaps post them as questions on Stack Overflow? I have had the odd issue here and there, but usually with Subversion (branching and merging) rather than tsvn itself.
Neil Barnwell
+4  A: 

Tortoise is nice indeed. Subclipse is good when working from within Eclipse. Bu i'd still install tortoiseSVN as well.

I use Subclipse "exclusively". I also have TortoiseSVN installed but I never touch it. I've just found that subclipse does everything I need and hasn't caused any problems in any of my work projects. Thumbs up for it!
Jens Jansson

VisualSVN is nice if you are using Visual Studio.

+2  A: 

I've only tried TortoiseSVN, but our team has had quite a bit of trouble with it - probably because of our own misconfigurations, but I do find it a bit unsmooth to deal with at times.

Telling it to ignore files, or not check files in after you've added them to the project is quite awkward.

I've heard VisualSVN has got the bad habbit of checking everything in on the fly, as soon as it's created. This can cause all sorts of problems if you're several people in the team, and VisualSVN decides to check unfinished code in. Once again, possibly a misconfiguration problem.

Marcus L
"Telling it to ignore files, or not check files in after you've added them to the project is quite awkward." - Not awkward at all once you learn how to use global ignore masks.
Dave Van den Eynde
+1  A: 

I use TortoiseSVN mostly, but SmartSVN is pretty good.

+9  A: 

I use AnkhSVN 2.0 for Visual Studio, it's a proper SCC client, so it doesn't rely on Tortoise at all. Very cool. (:

EDIT: There's also the Wikipedia article detailing the various clients.

I had issues with AnkhSVN crashing Visual Studio 2008 when I built my solution so had to de-install it.
Richard Ev
+1 for Ankh, and another + for not relying on Tortoise
What version was that? I've been using their version 2.0 client for a while over several machine - no problems so far...
AnkhSVN since the 2.0 is a lot better than my experience with the 1.x
Completely agree...apparently, it was re-written from the ground up.
+3  A: 

SVN-Monitor as general font-end for TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN for integration with Visual Studio.

I had heard of http://tools.tortoisesvn.net/CommitMonitor but didnt invite me enough to give it a whirl. SVN-Monitor looks rich and full-featured enough to add something thanks!
Martijn Laarman
CommitMonitor is exactly what the name says plus it's lightweight which is a big advantage for such tool. SVN-Monitor is a monster when compared to CommitMonitor, but also much heavier on your PC.
Piotr Owsiak
+2  A: 

Although I like the functionality of TortoiseSVN, I also dislike TortoiseSVN because it's always there & makes the right-click menu bloated, adds a delay, and takes up shell resources + won't play well with other programs that edit overlay icons. (If you are also using Mercurial and want to use TortoiseHg as well, which program wins?)

When I have to use SVN, I like RapidSVN, although development on that project seems like it has stalled. We evaluated SVN last year at my company and I looked at the available GUI tools including TortoiseSVN, RapidSVN, SubCommander and SyncroSVN (SyncroSVN was inexpensive but not free, the rest were free I think). Each of them seemed to be somewhat buggy (vs. the core SVN command-line/libs which seemed rock-solid) and there didn't seem to be any admin client. So we bailed on SVN and went to Seapine SurroundSCM instead.

Jason S
You don't have to worry about different Tortoise clients and the overlay icons anymore, since they now all use the TortoiseOverlays component: http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/src/TortoiseOverlays/Documentation.txt (username 'guest', leave password empty).
interesting... thanks!
Jason S

I've used both Subversion and Subclipse team providers inside Eclipse. I don't think I can remember the difference - they both work pretty well.

Scott Evernden
+7  A: 
Sung Meister
+1  A: 

I like to use TortoiseSVN, but really, I think it's a matter of preference. Everyone should try as many as they want, until they feel at home, and happy with their choice.

+2  A: 

I use SmartSVN.

Paul Nathan

I've used VisualSVN for about 2 years with no problems. My main problems have been with SVN's ability to merge even the simplest changes in project files. Adding a reference in a project file seems to be quite problematic if a team member has changed the same file before I update usually ending up in a 30 minute manual merge session.


I'm using SmartSVN and am very happy with it. It provides a powerful user interface with very good overview over my projects, I don't need further external tools, I can use it from the Windows Explorer and on OS X. I don't like tools integrated into my IDE, because they usually try to be too smart (esp. when renaming/moving files multiple times).
