I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but I don't think MySQL 6 will offer much of interest. They long ago pretty much abandoned the real idea of a relational DBMS (which is really an inference engine) and decided that a dumb data store full of inconsistent data was the way to go.
(I mean, really. Software that accepts February 29th as a valid date in non-leap-years is not a big surprise. February 30th is stretching the bounds of credulity. But February 0th? Who the heck wrote the validation routine for that one? I suppose we should be grateful that MySQL doesn't allow "ghhg" as an integer, insisting that we check that our integers are valid before we insert them.)
Now PostgreSQL has a lot of interesting stuff in it, particularly user-defined types, including support for arbitrary index schemes. (For example, the PostGIS extension uses "lossy" indexes, where they index a bounding box for complex geometric shapes.) Unfortunately, you still have to do a lot of work in C to define your own types.
And sad to say, we're still stuck with SQL, which makes doing relational work much harder than it has to be. That's akin to the only "scripting" language in the world being Perl, and nobody coming up with Python or Ruby. However, I'm quite encouraged by Microsoft's introduction of LINQ; we may now finally see some forward progress on relational languages since the "relational language winter" that came in over the course of the late 70s and 80s.