I'm thinking of writing a domain specific language (DSL) to model business objects. The DSL will not be executed, instead it will be used by a template based code generator (probably CodeSmith) to generate the .NET & SQL.
The DSL will need to support the definition of the following elements:
- Classes (name & description)
- Properties (name, friendly name, type, null/not null)
- Simple validation (required, regex, range, etc..)
- Relationships between classes (1 to 1, 1 to many, many to many)
- Inheritance (ok, maybe in version 2)
Here's a simple example of what the DSL code might look like:
Class: Insured
Desc: "Represents a person covered by an insurance policy"
Prop: FirstName, "First Name", String(20), not null
Prop: LastName, "Last Name", String(20), not null
Prop: MailAddress, "Mailing Address", Address, not null
Prop: SSN, "Social Security Number", String(9), null
Rule: RegEx, SSN, ^\d{9}$
Class: Address
Prop: Line1, "Line 1", String(30), not null
Prop: City, "City", String(30), not null
Prop: State, "State", String(2), not null
For the sake of keeping the DSL simple the more complex validation rules will be coded in the target language. The current plan is to make the generated code off limits and add the more complex rules to subclasses.
Has anyone written something similar to this? Can you provide any tips or links to similar solutions?