



I created a UserControl in WPF. This user control has several text boxes that are bound to properties on a database object which is referenced by proptery on the UserControl. The xaml looks like:

<TextBox Name="_txtFirstName" Text="{Binding Path=Contact.FirstName, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>

This worked properly until I made the Contact property into a dependency property so that I could bind it to the selected item in a ListBox. Once I did this the binding of the TextBoxes stopped working. Why is this?

The DependencyProperty code was:

public static readonly DependencyProperty ContactProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"Contact", typeof(Contacts), typeof(ContactView));

I Googled around and found this interesting page. Do you have a CallBackHandler defined for your Dependency Property?

+3  A: 

I figured out the problem. I forgot to change this code:

    public Contacts Contact
  get { return _contact; }
        set { _contact = value; }

To this:

    public Contacts Contact
  get { return (Contacts)GetValue(ContactProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ContactProperty, value); }

Now it works properly.
