



I had TSVN installed first and been using for a long time. Then I install T-HG and when I right click I dont see any TortoiseHG.

Does anyone have this same problem?

All the T-SVN overlays are still there.


I have this problem too, on one machine (a Windows 2000 box). On my other, XP, machine I have the two living happily together.

The XP machine recently had its overlays disappear when I upgraded T-Svn. I fixed the problem by reinstalling both. Perhaps that's your answer here, to fix your right-click menu.

Frank Shearar

I have this on my vista and XP, no problem. I even have a folder version controlled by 2 of them, but in case of overlay problem, i write 2 script to make sure only one of them active:

FOR /R %%f IN (.svn) DO IF EXIST "%%f"
ATTRIB -h "%%f"
RENAME "%%f" 3.svn
ATTRIB +h "%%f"
move 3.hg .hg

move .hg 3.hg
FOR /R %%f IN (3.svn) DO IF EXIST "%%f" (
ATTRIB -h "%%f"
RENAME "%%f" .svn
ATTRIB +h "%%f"
move 3.hg .hg

then, I updated my svn and hg ignore pattern to make sure 2 cmd files are ignored by both and svn ignores *.hg folder, .hgignore file and hg ignores *.svn folder

reference:Re: Command Line Update with TSvn for VS

+1  A: 

I see the same problem as you. I have TortoiseSVN installed, and can't get TortoiseHG or TortoiseGit to work. Only TortoiseSVN shows up in the context menus. Running 64-bit Vista.

Hmm..could this be 64-bit related? I'm running 64-bit Windows XP.
They work together for me on 32bit XP.
Just got tortoiseSVN and tortoiseGIT working together on Vista64 -- make sure you install the 64-bit version or it won't work.
+3  A: 

You can launch a 32-bit version of Explorer in Vista. The T-HG shortcuts will show up when you launch the 32-bit version.

To launch a 32-bit version of Explorer in 64-bit Vista create a shortcut with the target: %Systemroot%\SysWOW64\explorer.exe /separate

When you launch Explorer using the shortcut it should work.

Matt Spradley

Just thought I would mention, I experienced this exact same issue on Windows XP x64, and this worked around the issue.

+5  A: 

Starting with version 0.8 (released 2009-07-01) TortoiseHg supports Windows Vista 64bit explorer shell integration. Thanks to the new C++ shell extension (I contributed significantly to that).

Check current release TortoiseHg-0.8.1-hg-1.3.1.exe available from


I have TSVN and TortoiseHG and I have a problem with my folder's not being added. Just the files in them are when I click "add". You can imagine how this might be a problem.

+1  A: 

On day 1, Yes. TortoiseHG (0.9.3 via the Kiln Client download at FogBugz) and TortoiseSVN (1.6.7, Build 18415 - 64 Bit , 2010/01/22 17:55:06) seem to play together with no issues on Windows 7 x64.

Right-clicking in Explorer gives you both submenus and the overlays seem to work fine for both types of repositories.

I haven't tried too hard to create both types pf repository in the same place but it seems like Subversion won't create one where there is already a Mercurial (Hg) repo. However HG seemed happy to create a repo in the same place as an existing SVN repo. I didn't test too far as to whether both repos synced properly yet so be careful there. Test that one before you use it in anger.

CAD bloke
6 months later and they still happily co-exist. Now all I need to do is install TortoiseGit and blow the whole thing up.
CAD bloke
CAD bloke
Ar, I probably don't need TortoiseGit. see
CAD bloke