I've got a question about flex. I have a form and the email is required. I googled this and found the found the following solution:
<mx:FormItem label="Email" id="emailFormItem" width="100%" styleName="formEven" required="true">
<mx:TextInput id="emailTextInput" width="100%" text="{user.email}"/></mx:FormItem>
The problem is that when I press ok the call is still made. I know you have to validate the following by yourself but does anyone has an idea how I can validate the field(s)?
I've found a solution for this:
You can create a validator for each field you want to validate and then create this function:
private function isValid():Boolean {
var failedValidators:Array = Validator.validateAll([emailValidator, userNameValidator, languageValidator, firstNameValidator, lastNameValidator]);
return failedValidators.length == 0;
This can be closed.
Kind Regards,