I just did this. I needed to pass it on to another function that was expecting a xml object so I did the following this is c# code though.
public static XElement xelmSort(this XElement xelm)
List<XElement> newType = new List<XElement>();
List<XElement> typeOne = new List<XElement>(xelm.Elements("type One"));
List<XElement> typeTwo = new List<XElement>(xelm.Elements("type Two"));
typeTwo.Sort((c, d) => d.Attribute("name").Value.CompareTo(c.Attribute("name").Value));
typeOne.Sort((c, d) => d.Attribute("name").Value.CompareTo(c.Attribute("name").Value));
typeOne.ForEach(c => newType.Add(c.xelmSort()));
XElement outElm = new XElement(xelm.Name, xelm.Attribute("name"), xelm.Element("info"));
return outElm;
After I was finished I needed to convert it back to an old style xml node so i used the following. This function will return a XmlDocument so you need to get the first child on it to get the node you started out with. Hope this helps.
public static XmlNode GetXmlNode(this XElement element)
using (XmlReader xmlReader = element.CreateReader())
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
return xmlDoc;