



I enjoy building websites, But with my work load I try but still feel tough to get motivated to learn new technologies because the requirements don't call for it; and they drive my skillset

Please share your tips to get motivated or the best techniques to learn these new technologies.

+2  A: 

Watch this video: (long one, but worth it)

will watch it today...thx
This is an excellent video on Professional programming, thx for sharing it
+1  A: 

One thing I have done in the past is write articles about new technology. You can include sample code with the article.

CodeProject is a great place to post articles. You could also start a blog.

Dana Holt
+4  A: 

I've tried this approach:

Find something you want -- maybe a time tracking utility that's better than the one you use at work or a web-based recipe program that the s.o. would appreciate.

It really, really helps if you involve others as your explore your initial ideas but before you look at the "competition". You may like what you're doing, but if other people are interested in it, it's hugely motivating (for me at least).

Write some code.

When you've got some ideas down and have some basic functionality in place, start looking at what others have written and see what they've done better and what you can leverage from them.

At this point, I'm usually invested enough and interested enough that I'm willing to chase down how to use Google Gears or some pretty in-depth jQuery stuff.

Your mileage may vary... :-)

Andrew Flanagan
I agree that involving others is hugely motivating. Check out Keith Ferrazzi's Who's got your back? for more info.
+1  A: 

I find it near impossible to take the time to do this unless it is for a real world application. Creating demos or sample apps never has the same feel as you can easily take shortcuts knowing it is merely a sample app and no one will ever really use it.

Perhaps see if any local nonprofits or charities need systems built and offer your services for free.

Or try to work in a new technology to your real world work, but maybe as a smaller module or add-on that might be more acceptable.
