I'm new to SVN. After working on a branch for a day or so, I attempted to merge changes from the trunk to the branch:
svn merge svn://server/trunk
The problem is that whenever SVN encounters a conflicting file, it's not able to recognize line by line changes and marks the entire line as conflicted. I experimented with several other SVN clients and also tried to toggle the end-line and white-space options without any progress. What am I doing wrong? I think this is the simplest possible merge case, so I would expect this to work with the most default Subversion settings, any client and in any SVN version. Is it some known beginner's catch?
Client: 1.5.5 (SlikSvn:tag/1.5.5@34877) WIN32
Server: 1.4.6 (r28521), Windows
Based on the suggestions in comments and answers below, I did more investigation:
The problematic files are UTF8.
They don't have any SVN properties.
The "svn diff" command correctly identifies the differences.