


+1  Q: 

Web automation

I'm developing an interface between an old web based application and another one. That old web-based application works fine but there no exists any API to communicate with.

There is any programmatic way to say a web-form something like: enter this value on this field, this one ins other and submit form?

UPDATE: I looking for something like this:

WebAutomation w = new WebAutomation("http://apphost/report");
w.forms[0].input[3].value = 123;
w.forms[0].input[4].value = "hello";
Response r = w.forms[0].submit();
+3  A: 

In .NET:

In ruby:

Cross platform:

Robin Clowers
These first two of these are testing frameworks and the third is macro-based, I'm not sure they are really suitable for the sort of routine automation he is thinking of performing.
Selenium would be hard for programming to do tasks like this. I've done it before but I know selenium fairly well but it's not designed for that sort of stuff.
Paul Mendoza
You could use Selenium IDE (its a firefox plugin) to record what you want. Then you don't have to write the code (although the generated code is probably not the best)
Robin Clowers
+3  A: 

You can, but you have to mock up a POST request. The fields (textboxes, radio buttons, etc.) are transmitted as key-value pairs back to the resource. You need to make a request for this resource(whichever one is used in the SUBMIT action for the FORM tag) and put all your field-value pairs in a POST payload no the request. Here's a good program to see what values are being transmitted: Or, you can use Firebug, a free Firefox extension.

+2  A: 

Despite the tag on your question, the answer is going to be highly language specific. There are also going to be wide range of solutions depending on how complex of a solution you are willing to implement and how flexible a result you are looking for.

On the one hand you can accomplish a lot in a very short period of time with something like Python's mechanize, but on the other hand, you can really get into the guts and have a lot of control by automating a browser using a COM object such as SHDocVw (Windows-only, of course).

Or, as LoveMeSomeCode suggested, you can really hit your head against the concrete and start forging POST requests, but good-luck figuring out what the server expects if is doing any front-end processing of the form data.


One more option, if you are looking for something that you can come up to speed on quickly, is to use a AutoIt's IE module, which basically provides a programmatic interface over an instance of Internet Explorer (its all COM in underneath, of course). Keep in mind that this will likely be the least supportable option you could choose. I have personally used this to produce proof-of-concept automation suites that were then migrated to a more robust C# implementation where I handled the COM calls myself.

+1  A: 

The Perl module WWW::Mechanize does exactly that. Your example would look something like this:

use WWW::Mechanize;
my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new;
my $response = $agent->submit_form(
    with_fields => {
        field_1_name => 123,
        field_2_name => "hello",

There is also a Python port, and I guess similar libraries exist for many other languages.
