+1  A: 

Ok, found the answer myself. First of all: there is a wat to specify credentials to the tf.exe command-line tool. Use /login:domain\user,password.

Now if I execute:

tf workfold c:\projects\Macaw.SolutionsFactory\FactoryIdeTools\trunk /login:domain\user,password

I get the following results:

Workspace: Macaw.SolutionsFactory@VS-D-SVDOMOSS-1 (Serge)
Server   : tfs.mycompany.nl
 $/Macaw.SolutionsFactory/FactoryIdeTools/trunk: C:\Projects\Macaw.SolutionsFactory\FactoryIdeTools\trunk

This is all the info I need!

Serge van den Oever
+2  A: 
Serge van den Oever