I'm using subversion 1.5 and have a single file in a branch that I want to merge into another branch. When I do a svn merge http://path/to/file
I get a Cannot replace a directory from with
error. Does this just mean that subversion can't do this?
3Ah! Copy makes sense. And using copy won't cause any problems when I do a full merge of the branches later?
2009-03-05 21:50:03
It's much cleaner to merge the addition (and possible revisions so far) to the file
Sander Rijken
2009-12-17 14:29:26
hmm, I don't think this the correct answer: it doesn't make sense at all. Actually more harmful than good. It was fair to rate it down (whoever did it).Look at Andrew's one below.
2010-06-01 20:57:31
I think you need to svn merge http://server/repos/path/to -r where is the revision where the file was added. That way merge info is recorded (in case of a Subversion 1.5 or higher repository)
Sander Rijken
2009-03-05 22:24:12
Try specifying the path to the local file as well. eg. svn merge -r1234:1235 svn://your_svn_url/to/file ./local_file
Andrew Edgecombe
2009-03-05 22:45:10