



I have scoured the help files for Visual Studio and could not locate any information as to the meaning of some the icons in the status bar along the bottom of the main window of the IDE.

Does anyone know of a reference?

Specifically, there is an icon that shows a pair of binoculars over an animated page with boxes scrolling down it.


AFAIK the only icons that appear there are when you are building a project.

Gerrie Schenck

Do you mean the "Error List"

Errors - A red circle with a white X
Warnings - Yellow triangle with black !
Info - White circle with blue i

Errors, stop you code being compiled.
Warnings, are possibe problems which can be ignored (but probably shouldn't)
Info, tells you information

Dead account
No, I mean the status bar at the bottom of the main IDE window.

I have those same binoculars Icon... Damn thing just don't stop!! Anyone?

It shows on the same area where the "building" icon appears along with the "Line, Column, Char" information

+1  A: 

On the bottom of this MSDN article you can find table with predefined VS status bar animations:

0 Standard animation icon

1 Animation when printing

2 Animation when saving files

3 Animation when deploying the solution

4 Animation when synchronizing files over the network

5 Animation when building the solution

6 Animation when searching

+1  A: 
Thanks! It makes sense that with our large solution I may have had a search that was running in the background and forgotten about it! :)